The Transformative Power of Elder Care: More Than Just a Place to Live

By Keyuri Sura

India's healthcare sector has progressed, but caring for its aging population, especially in urban areas with limited resources, remains challenging. Eldercare centers such as Samarth Eldercare and Yodda Elder Care address these issues through personalized care and technological solutions. However, overcoming financial, trust, and acceptance barriers is essential for the sector's growth and effectiveness.

Thanks to advancements in research and technology, the Indian healthcare sector has made remarkable strides in awareness, services, coverage, and expenditure. This progress is reflected in increasing longevity and changing demographics. As life expectancy rises, we face the growing challenge of caring for an ageing population that may span multiple generations—parents, grandparents, and potentially even great-grandparents in the future.

In urban settings, many senior citizens living with their families struggle to adapt to the fast-paced lives of their children, who are often absorbed in their careers and technological advancements. This disconnection can lead to social isolation among older adults. Furthermore, with children frequently relocating for work, education, or other reasons, many seniors live alone, underscoring the urgent need for comprehensive care, safety, and well-being solutions.

Caring for seniors presents significant challenges in metropolitan areas, where space and resources are limited. Relying on paid helpers, who can be unpredictable and unreliable, adds to the stress experienced by employed caregivers. To address these issues, eldercare centres have emerged around major cities. These centres aim to empower seniors by providing a supportive environment that promotes independence and dignity. By offering professional supervision and management, these facilities help alleviate some of the challenges families face, particularly in urban India.

Eldercare centres offer numerous benefits, including increased companionship, improved mobility, and enhanced activity participation. These centres can also boost confidence and independence, improving overall health and quality of life forolder adults. Given the space constraints in metro areas, positioning these centres on the outskirts can be advantageous. The serene environment away from the city's hustle bustle allows olders to enjoy a closer connection to nature. Additionally, proximity to medical facilities, including hospitals, doctors, nurses, and physiotherapists, reduces the daily burden of home management. This arrangement ensures a secure and convenient living environment for older people and their families.

However, a significant challenge remains in accepting such changes by the elderly and their families. Will they adopt new care models and move away from traditional home-based care?

Eldercare is a dynamic field, evolving rapidly to address the growing needs of an ageing population. Despite being a relatively young sector, numerous NGOs and private organizations are making significant strides. Two notable examples from Mumbai and Pune are Samarth Eldercare and Yodda Elder Care. Both organizations offer unique approaches to eldercare, addressing various challenges with innovative solutions.

Samarth Eldercare: Personalized and Compassionate Care

Samarth Eldercare stands out for its dedication to core values such as trust, respect, and excellence. Their approach is centred on personalized care, ensuring that each elderly receives tailored support to enhance their well-being and comfort. According to Asheesh Gupta from Samarth, the organization has expanded its services to include daily task assistance, bill payments, documentation, insurance processing, and more. They also prioritize safety and security in the home environment and provide social and emotional support through companionship and engaging activities.

When clients approach Samarth, they are met with a thorough and personalized assessment process. The organization's eldercare counsellors work to understand specific needs related to dementia care, companionship, or overall quality of life. This detailed approach involves consulting with the entire family to ensure that all parties agree before recommending a care plan.

Yodda Elder Care: Technology-Driven Solutions

In contrast, Yodda Elder Care embodies a modern, tech-driven approach to eldercare. The organization leverages innovative technology to provide a platform that ensures seniors feel safe and secure. Tarun Sharma, Founder and CEO of Yodda, highlights the company's emphasis on routine assistance and emergency support. Yodda's technology is cloud-native, elastic, and highly reliable, with a track record of uninterrupted service over the past three and a half years. Their platform ensures that emergency signals are processed in microseconds, allowing rapid response in critical situations.

Yodda's service delivery is designed to be consistent and high-quality, minimizing reliance on informal communication channels. By constantly analyzing market trends and user feedback, Yodda curates a variety of care plans that include extensive services and support

Challenges in Eldercare and Comparative Insights

Eldercare in India faces several challenges, including a high trust deficit, price sensitivity, resource constraints, and a strong preference for ageing at home. These issues and internal and external threats to service effectiveness and safety complicate the eldercare landscape.

Comparing eldercare systems globally reveals both differences and shared challenges. For example, while Europe benefits from a well-established system supported by robust government policies, India's eldercare sector is still developing, with a growing focus on formal services and technological integration.

Policy Impact and Market Potential

Government policies play a critical role in shaping the eldercare industry. The 18% GST on private eldercare services imposes a significant financial burden, affecting service affordability and provider stability. However, recent policy changes, such as removing age limits on insurance policies, have improved financial support options for seniors, helping to reduce financial barriers and expand coverage.

India's ageing population presents a unique opportunity for the eldercare sector. With one-tenth of the population over 60 years old and a projected market size of $5 billion, there is substantial potential for growth. By blending modern medical practices with cultural values and leveraging technology, eldercare firms can better address the evolving needs of India's seniors.

Future Outlook

The eldercare sector is poised for continued development. As the industry grows, organizations like Samarth Eldercare and Yodda Elder Care will play crucial roles in enhancing the quality of life for older adults. Combining traditional care models with innovative approaches will be key to meeting the diverse needs of India's ageing population and adapting to the challenges of a changing demographic landscape.

Author : Keyuri Sura

Keyuri Sura, a seasoned architect with over 20 years of experience in healthcare, industrial, hotels, commercial and residential design currently leads design initiatives at HOSMAC. Her extensive background includes crafting innovative healthcare environments and contributing thought leadership through her writing, reflecting a deep commitment to enhancing both functional and aesthetic aspects of healthcare spaces.