Leveraging Antimicrobial Paints for Cost-Effective Infection Control in Healthcare Facilities

By Arunima Rajan

In an exclusive interview with Arunima Rajan, Prem Kumar Samuel, Cluster Head of Operations at Gleneagles Hospital Bengaluru, emphasizes the long-term cost efficiency of antimicrobial paints in healthcare settings. He highlights how their use significantly reduces infection-related expenditures, offering a sustainable solution for infection control. 

What motivated Gleneagles to start using antimicrobial paint in its healthcare facilities?

Gleneagles Hospitals decided to use antimicrobial paint in its healthcare facilities primarily to enhance patient safety by reducing healthcare-associated infections. This innovative approach not only improves hygiene standards but also offers long-term cost efficiency by potentially lowering healthcare expenses related to infection control. Additionally, the use of antimicrobial paint enhances the overall aesthetics of the environment, creating a more welcoming space for patients and staff alike. 

In which specific areas of your hospitals have you implemented antimicrobial paint coatings?

Antimicrobial paint coatings have been implemented in key areas of our hospitals, including operating theatres (O.T.s), intensive care units (I.C.U.s), and bone marrow transplant (BMT) units. These strategic locations are critical for maintaining high hygiene standards and minimizing the risk of infections. 

What criteria did you use when selecting an antimicrobial paint product for your facilities?

When selecting an antimicrobial paint product for our facilities, we focused on several key criteria: broad-spectrum efficacy to combat a wide range of pathogens, non-toxicity to ensure safety for patients and staff, cost of application for budget efficiency, appearance to maintain a professional aesthetic, and functionality to meet the specific needs of our healthcare environment. 

What challenges, if any, did you encounter during the implementation process?

During the implementation process, we faced several challenges. Cost considerations were significant as we aimed to balance budget constraints with the benefits of antimicrobial paint. Additionally, ensuring compatibility with existing paint systems was crucial to avoid any adverse reactions. We also needed to verify the efficacy of the chosen products and assess their aesthetic impact to maintain a professional appearance in our facilities. 

How does the cost of antimicrobial paint compare to standard paint options, and how do you justify the investment?

The cost of antimicrobial paint does tend to be higher than that of standard paint, often by about 20% to 50%, depending on the specific product. 

Justification for the Investment: 

Impact: One of the main reasons for this investment is the unique ability of antimicrobial paint to inhibit the growth of harmful pathogens on surfaces. This can play a crucial role in reducing infection rates within healthcare settings. 

Benefits: Lowering healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) is a significant advantage, leading to shorter recovery times for patients, fewer hospital stays, and ultimately, lower treatment costs. These factors can lead to considerable financial savings while also improving the overall health outcomes for patients. 

Surface Durability: Additionally, antimicrobial paint is generally more durable and resistant to wear and tear than standard paints. This means facilities may need to repaint less frequently, maintaining a fresher appearance over time. 

In essence, although the initial cost may be higher, the long-term benefits for both health and finances make antimicrobial paint a smart choice for healthcare environments. 

How does antimicrobial paint fit into your overall infection control strategy?

Antimicrobial paint plays a vital role in our overall infection control strategy by providing an additional layer of protection against pathogens on surfaces. It continuously inhibits the growth of bacteria, fungi, and viruses, complementing our standard infection control practices. By applying this paint in patient rooms, waiting areas, and common spaces, we create a safer environment that may reduce the risk of infection transmission. Additionally, the durability and resistance of antimicrobial paint to microbial growth contribute to long-term infection prevention, making it a cost-effective solution by minimizing the need for frequent repainting and cleaning. 

Are there any plans to expand the use of antimicrobial coatings to other surfaces or areas in your facilities?

Yes, we do plan to expand the use of antimicrobial coatings to additional surfaces and areas within our facilities. Specifically, we aim to implement these coatings in common areas such as waiting rooms, general wards, and semi-private wards. This expansion will further enhance our infection control efforts and create a safer environment for both patients and visitors. 

How do you ensure the ongoing effectiveness of the antimicrobial properties over time?

To ensure the ongoing effectiveness of the antimicrobial properties over time, we conduct regular visual inspections and microbial testing, including swab tests, to monitor the surfaces. Additionally, we strictly follow the recommended cleaning and maintenance procedures for the antimicrobial coatings. This combination of proactive measures helps maintain their efficacy and ensures a safe environment for our patients and staff. 

What advice would you give to other healthcare facilities considering implementing antimicrobial paint?

When considering antimicrobial paint for healthcare facilities, it’s essential to focus on several key steps. Start with a needs assessment to identify high-traffic areas, such as patient rooms and waiting areas, and review infection rates to pinpoint specific challenges. Choose paints that are independently tested for effectiveness and ensure they are compatible with existing surfaces and have low VOC levels. Proper surface preparation and professional application, scheduled during off-peak hours, will help minimize disruption. Establish a maintenance plan that includes regular inspections and adherence to cleaning guidelines, encouraging staff to report any concerns. Educating your team on maintenance practices and informing patients about the benefits of antimicrobial paint are crucial for successful implementation. Ensure that the use of antimicrobial paint aligns with broader infection control strategies, such as hand hygiene. Regularly evaluate the paint’s effectiveness in reducing infections and remain open to adjustments based on feedback. Finally, consider the upfront costs against potential long-term savings from fewer infections, while staying updated on the latest advancements in antimicrobial technology and regulatory changes. By following these steps, healthcare facilities can significantly enhance infection control and create a safer environment for all. 

How do you see the role of antimicrobial coatings evolving in healthcare settings over the next 5-10 years?

Over the next 5-10 years, the role of antimicrobial coatings in healthcare settings is expected to evolve significantly due to advancements in technology and an increased focus on infection prevention. Enhanced formulations will likely incorporate more effective and longer-lasting agents, while emerging smart coatings may include sensors to monitor microbial activity and release antimicrobial agents on demand. As infection control becomes more proactive, these coatings will be integrated into digital systems for better tracking and management of infection risks. Their application will expand beyond high-touch surfaces to include floors, ceilings, and medical equipment, supported by industry standards to ensure effectiveness and safety. A shift towards eco-friendly products will prioritize sustainability and patient safety, while advancements in technology may lead to cost reductions, making antimicrobial coatings more accessible. Regulatory changes will ensure high standards of efficacy and safety, alongside increased public awareness, driving demand for visible antimicrobial measures. Overall, these trends will promote the adoption of antimicrobial coatings as essential components of comprehensive infection control strategies in healthcare facilities.