Greenlight Guru: A Healthcare-Only Quality Management System Med-TechVivek desaiJanuary 27, 2020Medical Device
Deepika Padukone receives the 2020 Crystal Award in Davos for her leadership in raising mental health awareness Press ReleaseVivek desaiJanuary 22, 2020
Medvarsity Online Ltd. partners with People Tree Hospital to enhance Emergency Medicine department in the hospital Press ReleaseVivek desaiJanuary 22, 2020
Venture Capital Funding in Digital Health Sector Reaches $8.9 Billion in 2019 Press ReleaseVivek desaiJanuary 16, 2020
Viacom18 and the MTV Staying Alive Foundation collaborate with partners to roll out a multi-million dollar behaviour change campaign – MTV Nishedh Press ReleaseVivek desaiJanuary 16, 2020
The Top Moments from this Month That Reshaped PMJAY Discussion Public HealthVivek desaiJanuary 13, 2020Ayushman Bharat
Shifo Foundation's Smart Paper Technology can be a Game Changer for Emerging Countries Public HealthVivek desaiJanuary 3, 2020Grassroots Healthcare
TISS, School of Health Systems Studies organise “Clairvoyance” in Mumbai Press ReleaseVivek desaiDecember 30, 2019
Bridging the Gap between Indian and Western Med Schools Healthcare ManagementVivek desaiDecember 27, 2019Communication
Lenovo™ breakthrough in Virtual Reality gives hope to Indians suffering from mild to moderate pain Press ReleaseVivek desaiDecember 20, 2019