Art for Healing in Hospitals
Anooj Vakil explains the wondrous effect of art on patients’ wellbeing, and how to go about curating it for your healthcare facility.
W H Davies, in his poetry that was published more than a century ago, predicted human lifestyle that was to follow after a century.
Today, the most common ailment faced by any normal human being is stess. Lifestyle disorders has become more predominant than any other form of illness, which in turn has led to major life-threatening illness. Most common prescription remains de-stressing oneself. The topic that follows shall focus on some simpler ways of de-stressing. The subject being vast, we shall restrict it to healthcare environment.
De-stressing being the focus, the art of healing has taken the center-stage in every healthcare facility. In which so ever the format and quantum, every healthcare facility attempts an ambience that adds to the healing factor.
The stay of patients in given healthcare facility is usually associated with anxiety and insecurity. These are further linked with physical, psychological and social aspects of the patient. Addressing these issues can positively contribute to the recovery and healing of the patient. Not only will it reduce the stress but also stimulate the self-recovering ability of the patient.
An architectural ambience can be created with many elements – use of light (natural or artificial), color scheme of adjacencies, use of the material, use of accessories such as art and artifacts, sculptures etc. besides the basic dimension of the given space. All this remain as visual elements if and when gets complemented with audial elements, it creates a serene environment within the given space.
Every patient that enters any healthcare environment holds some anxiety and/or preconceived fear that converts their experience depressingly unforgettable. To avoid this and reduce stress levels experienced by an already ailing patient, a good ambience can help the patient forget their fears and anxieties. Normally, the patient spends more time outside or with others than actually meeting the doctor; this necessitates that the ambience of the rest of the spaces need to soothing and calm.
Nothing can challenge the healing potential of Natural Light within a given space. It not only controls the biological clock of every individual but also enhances the positive energy from the space. A naturally well-lit space can be a boon and should be made mandatory that every patient touch-point within a given healthcare facility should have generous amount of natural light as looking at nature and natural elements calms the anxiety levels within the individual.
Comfortable environment within any healthcare facility from a patient perspective can be divided into psychological as well as physical facet. As the topic relates to the physical facet for the healing environment, we focus on the following
Softer materials are advised to avoid major injuries in case of accidental fall within the facility. Every material on the vertical surfaces should be void of sharp edges. Brittle material should be avoided to protect patient safety.
Color plays the most important role in building up the ambience of every space and healthcare facility is no exception to this rule. Colors have strong impact on every individual’s emotions and hence the application of color must be designed taking into account its context.
Colors should also be selected keeping in mind the use of the space. For example, red is a strong color but if used in right proportions shall boost motivation and confidence and can help in treating depression and introversion but has to be avoided in the areas of where patient could aggravate anger and irritability. Similarly, yellow if used in right proportions can help in mental stimulation and uplifting of mood hence could be used for treating depression and fatigue but should be avoided in case of treating insomnia or hyperactivity. Blue and Green are associated with nature to their maximum (Blue symbolizes Water and Green symbolizes plants) and hence are considered safer colors, as they tend to generate balance and harmony, stimulate calmness and relaxation hence can be used for de-stressing to the maximum. There are many more colors in the palate and all have their own significance, strengths and weakness that influence the human mind. Every mind differs and hence the emotions associated with colors differ per gender, age, culture, religion, geographical conditions etc.
Nothing is more sickening than watching a blank wall and wait for a doctor. Hence creating a healing environment extends beyond the elimination of boredom. Multiple evidence shares the secret of accelerated patient healing with introduction of artworks in the healthcare environment.
It is important to strike a chord that shall balance the expenditure on aesthetics especially when healthcare expenses are already high. Yet, many have adopted this and have transformed the once considered cold sterile spaces into contemporary art destination.
While it is becoming increasingly common to use artworks to distract patients from their pain or stress, selecting and installing an artwork is equally important to impart positive effects. Installing an artwork involving nature has always occupied a premium place while selecting the artworks. Patient respond to nature very easily compared to any urban environment, people, architectural, abstract or wild life images.
It is important to strike a chord that shall balance the expenditure on aesthetics especially when healthcare expenses are already high. Yet, many have adopted this and have transformed the once considered cold sterile spaces into contemporary art destination.
While it is becoming increasingly common to use artworks to distract patients from their pain or stress, selecting and installing an artwork is equally important to impart positive effects. Installing an artwork involving nature has always occupied a premium place while selecting the artworks. Patient respond to nature very easily compared to any urban environment, people, architectural, abstract or wild life images.
Further to this, non-turbulent waterscapes, garden landscape with open foreground, trees with broader canopies, fresh, familiar and healthy flowers, Figurative art (be it human or animals) should be in leisure mode with emotionally positive faces.
Size, placement and spatial relationships of the artwork too need to follow certain guidelines
- Appropriate location of installation to be within the sight of patient. For example, Diagnostic procedures like MRI and CT Scan on a patient lying on their back for prolonged period; art on the ceiling to fill the patient’s view is advisable.
- The emotions of the patient within the given area should be taken into consideration; for example, gender, age, and ethnicity.
- Evaluating the unique needs of the kind of patients who will view the artwork. For example, art for pediatric care may differ from art for palliative care.
- It is risky to place in a hospital art that has negative suggestions, as patients being already in a negative emotional state, are likely to respond in a negative manner to art that they cannot understand or that contains negative images or icons.
- Similarly, it would be inappropriate to use images of water where many procedures warrant patient’s bladder full or using any sketchy images in areas where patients experience visual challenge or food images in an area where patient could possibly be fasting.
- All of the above do not require any study but only sensitivity towards the specific patient needs.
An art program has to be devised targeting the following goals
Encouraging positive changes in clinical outcome of the patient. Relieve stresses associated within the healthcare environment. Accommodate needs of special patient populations Reflect overall standard of excellence.
The sense of hearing is the only sense not muted even in an anaesthetized patient.
Common sound experienced in the healthcare facility is either of some clinical emergency announcements, movement of trolleys or beeps of the machines. This adds to the agonies of the already stressed patient. Hence it is important to substitute these sounds with sound of live music that shall accelerate the de-stressing potential within the patient. The sound of flowing water or any live instrument such as piano or violin being played, shall elevate the ambience, and heal the pain by reducing stress levels.
In a nutshell, art in any form, be it color, decorative accessories in form of artworks and artifacts or non-tangible yet healing sound of music can create positive distractions in every healthcare environment. Artworks can either be digital or in print. The target audience for de-stressing is not restrictive to patients, but also their attendants and the caregivers.
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