Bansal Eye Hospital Introduces Laser Vision Correction Technology

  • This makes Bansal Eye Hospital the first provider of this technology for patients across North India (excluding Delhi NCR.

  • This innovative procedure utilizes the ELITA laser system by Johnson & Johnson to treat myopia & astigmatism

Bansal Eye Hospital today introduced the cutting edge and next-generation laser vision correction technology - SILK™ (Smooth Incisions Lenticule Keratomileusis) in Ambala. This makes Bansal Eye Hospital the first provider of this technology for patients across North India i.e. Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, and Rajasthan. This innovative procedure utilizes the ELITA laser system by Johnson & Johnson to treat myopia and astigmatism, offering superior effectiveness and precision to revolutionize eye care. 

At a media briefing held, Dr. Ashish Bansal, M.S. (PGI, Chandigarh) F.R.C.S (U.K.), Additional Medical Superintendent, Senior Consultant, Cornea, Cataract, & Refractive Services, Bansal Eye Hospital, Ambala, a distinguished refractive eye surgeon, underscored the urgent need for advanced laser vision correction solutions in North India. He highlighted how the SILK™ procedure can enable patients to achieve crystal-clear vision without relying on glasses or contact lenses. This innovative technique, utilizing the advanced ELITA laser system, carefully creates a small, disc-shaped lenticule within the cornea, which is then removed through a microscopic incision, reshaping the cornea for enhanced vision. The procedure is known for its safety and faster recovery period compared to other methods.

Dr. Ashish Bansal stated, "The launch of the ELITA laser system at our facility is a significant milestone. This minimally invasive SILK™ procedure offers precision and safety, leading to faster recovery times and clear vision. We are excited to bring this innovative technology to North India so that our patients can enjoy life without spectacles or contact lenses. Bringing SILK™ to Ambala equips us to meet the increasing demand for effective vision correction."

As the first hospital in North India (excluding Delhi NCR) to offer laser vision correction through SILK™ technology, Bansal Eye Hospital is committed to staying at the forefront of innovation in laser vision correction. With the growing demand for refractive surgery in India, the SILK™ procedure holds the potential to transform the lives of millions, restoring clear vision without the need for glasses. This advancement underscores Bansal Eye Hospital's dedication to excellence in ophthalmic care, ensuring that patients in Ambala and the surrounding regions have access to world-class eye care services.

Bansal Eye Hospital has a legacy of pioneering advanced refractive surgeries in North India, excluding Delhi NCR. It was one of the first hospitals in the region to start LASIK surgery for specs removal in 1995, introduce femtosecond laser surgery in Haryana in 2009, and adopt the iDesign Refractive Studio (HDV2.0) technology in 2019. Now, with the introduction of SILK™ (Smooth Incision Lenticule Keratomileusis) in 2023, Bansal Eye Hospital continues its tradition of being at the cutting edge of eye care technology.